Life Group: Colossians Bible Study By BylineChristina M Wilson on 2016-02-13 We are a group of under ten women meeting together on a weekday evening once each week through the sponsorship of The Shepherd’s House church in Thousand Oaks in order toContinue readingLife Group: Colossians Bible Study
Week 1 Life Group: Colossians Bible Study By BylineChristina M Wilson on 2016-02-13 I. Introduction A. Why study the Bible? 1. Discussion: Why do you want to study Scripture? What does it mean to you personally? Be more specific: What do you hopeContinue readingWeek 1 Life Group: Colossians Bible Study
Life Group: Colossians Bible Study Bibliography By BylineChristina M Wilson on 2016-02-13 BibleWorks 9 Software for Biblical Exegesis & Research. Norfolk, VA: BibleWorks, 2011. Community Bible Study. Engaging God’s Word: Colossians. Colorado Springs: Community Bible Study, 2013. Duffield, Guy P. and NathanielContinue readingLife Group: Colossians Bible Study Bibliography