If Psalm 6 were taken out of the blue sky, that is, without centuries of commentary and church tradition behind it, I would not identify in it the theme ofContinue readingPenitential Psalms: Psalm 6
First things first–Disclaimer: This is a technical article most likely of interest to very few. I promise this series will get better once we get past the linguistic details andContinue readingPenitential Psalms: A Big Mix-Up?
What are the Penitential Psalms? If you said, “I don’t know,” then you’ve just explained why we have difficulty understanding them today. Most people have never heard of them, unlessContinue readingThe Penitential Psalms: A Fresh Look
Why would God seemingly hide his prophetic intentions in Psalms in such a way that even today biblical pundits do not agree on their overall meaning? Why not speak clearly,Continue readingWhy a Jigsaw Puzzle?
Setting: You’re working on a jigsaw puzzle. Most of the pieces look more or less the same, and you feel like it’s a puzzle depicting fog. Suddenly, you find aContinue readingPsalms as Jigsaw Puzzle