Weekly Links to Gems from the Gospel of John Week 1: Visual Summary of Prologue of John 1:1-5 (Link to Week 1 Visual Summary) Week 1: Word of God JohnContinue readingOutline of the Gospel of John
Gems from the Gospel of John Week 2: John the Baptist’s Testimony and Jesus’ First Disciples THEME OF JOHN: ESV John 20:31 … these are written so that you mayContinue readingGems from John: Outline John 1:19-51
Gingrich, F. W., BibleWorks 9 Software for Biblical Exegesis & Research. Norfolk, VA: BibleWorks, 2011 Hayford, Jack W., exec. ed. John: Living Beyond the Ordinary. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, Inc., 2009.Continue readingBibliography for Gems from John
Fear Sees What Fear Fears Fear fears what it hears Fear sees its end In the blowing wind What it can’t see It imagines seeing Fear makes its fear Come into being ByContinue readingVision Blinding
How much do we get from Scripture when we read? Use these 5 questions as you read to help you better focus, understand, and absorb. The Navigators. LifeChange Series:Continue readingS P E C K: Read and Question