Category: Septuagint Isaiah: Devotional Journal Volume 1

Based mostly upon Brenton’s Septuagint translation of Isaiah, chapters 1-39. Includes presuppositional introduction. Posts are part devotional and part exegetical.

Messiah in the Wings: Isaiah Devotional Journal 27

Reading Isaiah this closely, I see that God’s Word is consistent in all its parts. Isaiah in Chapter 8 speaks the same truth he began speaking in Chapter 1. All his predictions find their prophetic fulfillment in the New Testament and in 70 A.D., the year that Rome destroyed Jerusalem and the temple. Jesus and Paul follow Isaiah’s teachings closely. … Continue readingMessiah in the Wings: Isaiah Devotional Journal 27

Isaiah Journal 23: Blind Eyes and Deaf Ears

What about Christian churches today? What about me? What are my blind spots? My areas of hardened heart? What lies do I believe? What excuses do I make for behaviors which God’s word teaches are clearly against his will? What sins of omission do I commit? Do I love my neighbor as I should? Whom do I consider to be my neighbor? Whom do I exclude from my “neighbors” list? … Continue readingIsaiah Journal 23: Blind Eyes and Deaf Ears

Isaiah Journal 22: The Cleansing Fire

The tongues of cleansing fire which settled upon the disciples gathered in the Upper Room on the day of Pentecost correspond to the burning coal with which the angel touched Isaiah’s lips. The fire accomplishes two purposes: 1) it cleanses, or purifies, both the lips and the message, and 2) it gives power, the power of the Holy Spirit of God to preach the Word with boldness and truth. The cleansing fire both sanctifies and commissions. … Continue readingIsaiah Journal 22: The Cleansing Fire