Life Group: Colossians Bible Study

We are a group of under ten women meeting together on a weekday evening once each week through the sponsorship of The Shepherd’s House church in Thousand Oaks in order to study Scripture. For this Life Group session, we are studying the biblical book of Colossians, which is a letter from the Apostle Paul and Timothy to the church at Colosse.

Our meetings include: chit chat upon arrival, coffee and perhaps snack (since we are meeting in a private home), opening prayer, a weekly lesson given in a question-and-answer/discussion format, a chance to share intercessory prayer requests, and a closing prayer. That’s a lot to pack into 1-1/2 hours!

We place high value on each woman and recognize her extreme value to our Lord Jesus Christ. All the women in attendance have much experience with the Lord and each makes valuable contributions for the edification of the group as a whole.


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