Weekly Links to Gems from the Gospel of John
Week 1: Visual Summary of Prologue of John 1:1-5 (Link to Week 1 Visual Summary)
Week 1: Word of God John 1:1-5 (Link to Week 1 Word of God)
Week 1: Prologue of John 1:1-18 (Link to Week 1 Outline of Prologue)
Week 2: John the Baptist, Jesus, and the First Disciples (Link to Week 2)
Week 3 Part 1: First Sign–Water to Wine (Link to Week 3 Part 1)
Week 3 Part 2: Cleansing of the Temple (Link to Week 3 Part 2)
Week 3 Takeaway Poster: So GO and Invite! (Link to Poster)
Week 4 New Birth–Its Necessity and Joy: John 3:1-21 and John 4:1-42 (Link to Week 4 New Birth)
Week 4 Concrete to Spiritual: How Jesus Changes the Old Testament to the New (Link to Week 4 Concrete to Spiritual)
Week 4 God’s Sliding Scale of Grace in Christ: No Virtue Will Get You In! No Defect Will Keep You Out! (Link to Week 4 God’s Sliding Scale of Grace)
Week 5 Second Sign–Healing the Nobleman’s Son (Link to Week 5)
Week 5 Third Sign–Healing a Paralyzed Man (Link to Week 5 Part 2)
Week 6 Jesus’ Discourse Following his Healing of the Paralyzed Man (Link to Week 6 Part 1)
Week 6 Fourth and Fifth Signs–Feeding 5,000 and Walking on Water (Link to Week 6 Part 2)
Week 7 Bread of Life Discourse (Link to Week 7 Part 1: Jesus’ “I Am” Statements)
Week 7 Jesus Sent by God and Endorsed by Him (Link to Week 7 Part 2: Sent and Endorsed)
Week 7 Impossibility of Faith without God (Link to Week 7 Part 3)
Week 7 Spiritual Replaces Concrete: John Continues Developing This Theme (Link to Week 7 Part 4)
Week 8 How Love and Knowledge Interact (Link to Week 8 Part 1)
Week 8 Jesus Confronts his Enemies with the Truth of Salvation (Link to Week 8 Part 2)
Week 9 Sixth Sign–Jesus Gives Vision to a Man Born Blind (Link to Week 9)
Week 10 Jesus’ Seven “I Am” Statements in John (Link to Week 10 “I Am’s”)
Week 10 Jesus the Good Shepherd (Link to Week 10 The Good Shepherd)
Week 10 Jesus and the Father Are One (Link to Week 10 I and the Father Are One)
Week 11 Synthesis of Christ the Son of God and Christ the Human Being: Raising Lazarus from the Dead (Link to Week 11 Raising Lazarus)
Week 12 The Triumphal Entry (Link to Week 12 The Triumphal Entry)
Week 13 The Final Meal (Link to Week 13 The Final Dinner)
Week 14 Final Discourse: Comfort (Link to Week 14 Final Discourse: Comfort)
Week 15 Final Discourse: Admonition (Link to Week 15 Final Discourse: Admonition)
Week 16 Final Discourse: Prediction (Link to Week 16 Final Discourse: Prediction)
Week 17 High Priestly Prayer: A Petition for Fellowship in Glory Among Father, Son, and All Believers in Christ (Link to Week 17 High Priestly Prayer)
Week 18 Jesus’ Arrest, Trial, Crucifixion and Burial (Link to Week 18, Chapters 18-19)
Week 19 Resurrection, Conclusion, and Final Scenes (Link to Week 19, Chapters 20-21)
Outline of the Book of John
I. Christ’s Identity
- Christ the Eternal Word 1:1-12
- Christ the Incarnate Word 1:13-18
- Prologue Summarized 1:18
II. Presentation of Christ as the Son of God (1:9-12:50)
A. John the Baptist testifies of Christ 1:19-36
B. Jesus calls his first disciples 1:37-50
1. Jesus fulfills Jacob’s vision of a Ladder between Heaven and Earth 1:51
C. First Sign: water to wine 2:1-11
D. Cleansing the Temple 2:12-22
1. Jesus does not entrust himself to the people who saw his miracles 2:23-25
E. Explaining the necessity of the new birth to Nicodemus John 3:1-21
F. Explaining the desirability of the new birth to the woman at the well John 4:1-42
1. Jesus’ omniscience demonstrates that he is the Son of God
G. Second Sign: Jesus heals a nobleman’s son from a great distance John 4:46-54
H. Third Sign: Jesus heals a man paralyzed for 38 years and endures and defends against the attacks of his critics John 5:1-47
I. Fourth Sign: Jesus feeds 5,000 men plus women and children from a single lunch John 6:1-15
J. Fifth Sign: Jesus walks on water John 6:16-21
K. Jesus further explains the difference between concrete/spiritual in relation to himself, the living bread from heaven (see also Nicodemus and the Woman at the Well) John 6:22-71
1. “I Am” statements in John 6
2. Jesus sent and endorsed by God
3. Jesus declares the impossibility of faith without God
4. Galilee as a whole rejects the Son of God
5. Some of his disciples walk away
6. Peter confesses Christ as the Holy One of God
7. One of the twelve will betray him.
L. Back to Judea for the Feast of Tabernacles: Jesus Confronts His Enemies (chapters 7 and 8)
M. Sixth Sign: Jesus Gives Sight to a Man Born Blind John 9
N. Jesus Is the Good Shepherd Who Enters Legitimately by the Door (10:1-21)
O. Jesus says, “I and the Father are one.” His enemies pick up stones to stone him, and also try to arrest him. This is the end of the later Judean Ministry. (10:22-42)
P. Christ’s Identity Revisited: the Eternal Word and the Incarnate Word Demonstrated in the Raising of Lazarus from the Dead (John 11:1-12:11)
Q. The Great Stir Caused by the Raising of Lazarus from the Dead Flows into the Triumphal Entry. Ultimately, the Crowd in General Again Rejects Jesus (John 12:11-50)
III. Instruction to the Twelve by the Son of God: The New Commandment of Love (13:1-17:26)
A. The Last Supper as related by John (13:1-38)
1. Washing the Disciples’ Feet (1-17)
2. Announcement of Judas’ Betrayal (18-30)
3. Comfort and Instruction (31-35)
4. Prophesying of Peter’s Denial (36-38)
B. Final Discourse
1. Words of Comfort (Chapter 14)
2. Words of Admonition (Chapter 15)
3. Words of Prediction (Chapter 16)
IV. Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer (Chapter 17)
V. Suffering of Christ as the Son of God and Son of Man (18:1-20:31)
A. Arrest in the Garden (Chapter 18)
B. Trial (Chapters 18-19)
C. Crucifixion and Death (Chapter 19)
D. Burial (Chapter 19)
VI. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the Grave (Chapter 20)
A. As witnessed by Mary (20:1-2, 11-18)
B. As witnessed by Peter and John (20:3-10)
C. As witnessed by the disciples as a group excluding Thomas (20:19-24)
D. As witnessed by the disciples as a group including Thomas (20:24-29)
E. John’s conclusion of his gospel and stated purpose for writing (20:30-31)
VII. Epilogue: the Continuing Work of the Son of God (21:1-25)
A. The third resurrection appearance to a group of disciples (21:1-14)
B. Peter’s reinstatement and prophesy of the manner of his death (21:14-19)
C. What about John? (21:20-23)
D. Statement of John’s credibility as witness (21:24)
E. Last word concerning the greatness of Jesus Christ incarnated (21:25)
good outline!