This is the first post in a new category: Flashback Friday. It’s part of the Gems from John series. Please forgive the formatting–it was created on a different platform andContinue readingSigns Part 1: Turning Water into Wine
Weekly Links to Gems from the Gospel of John Week 1: Visual Summary of Prologue of John 1:1-5 (Link to Week 1 Visual Summary) Week 1: Word of God JohnContinue readingOutline of the Gospel of John
Gems from the Gospel of John Week 2: John the Baptist’s Testimony and Jesus’ First Disciples THEME OF JOHN: ESV John 20:31 … these are written so that you mayContinue readingGems from John: Outline John 1:19-51
John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All thingsContinue readingWord of God