Tag: Isaiah 29

Ariel and Her Enemies: Isaiah Devotional Journal 62

In American politics, people often think that if a person is against a certain political party, then they must favor the opposing party. For many, however, this description fails to capture the reality that some people condemn both parties. Isaiah always makes the fact of punishment against both Israel and her enemies very clear. God judges and punishes his people, yes. But, he also judges and punishes “as many as have fought against Ariel, and all they that war against Jerusalem” (Isaiah 29:7). … Continue readingAriel and Her Enemies: Isaiah Devotional Journal 62

Switchback–Blessing Disappears: Isaiah Devotional Journal 60

Therefore, the focus is not on the remnant, nor so much upon God’s promise, but upon the Stone, the precious stone, the costly foundation. The focus is also upon belief in him. With this Stone for a foundation, God himself accomplishes what he intended to do. Isaiah grants no blessing to rebellious Israel.  … Continue readingSwitchback–Blessing Disappears: Isaiah Devotional Journal 60