Tag: Isaiah 40

God Rebukes Doubt: LXX Isaiah 2.3

I prefer to think of what I have called Division 1 (Isaiah 40:1-11) as a separate section entirely. Isaiah never meant it to “blend in” with the rest of the chapter. In this way, Division 2 would be local to Israel’s historical position of nearing the end of their captivity in Babylon. Division 1, a stand-alone section, looks to the then far future of the coming Messiah. Its weight and scope is eternal. … Continue readingGod Rebukes Doubt: LXX Isaiah 2.3

Concrete and Spiritual: LXX Isaiah Journal Vol 2.1

What do the biblical books of Romans, Galatians, and Ephesians have to do with the book of Isaiah? Simply this. When I, as a 21st century non-Jewish Christian, read God’s words, “Comfort ye, comfort ye my people,” can I apply these words to myself? I believe that the New Testament teaches that yes, I can. God is also speaking to me. … Continue readingConcrete and Spiritual: LXX Isaiah Journal Vol 2.1