Messiah and His Kingdom 4: Isaiah Devotional Journal 32-Praise! By BylineChristina M Wilson on 2021-01-302021-09-10 Isaiah 11:1-12:6 Link to LXE Praise! But you dwell among the saints, O praise of Israel. (Psalm 22:(4)3, SAAS) (1) The New Testament teaches that the risen Christ, the glorifiedContinue readingMessiah and His Kingdom 4: Isaiah Devotional Journal 32-Praise!
Messiah and His Kingdom 3: Isaiah Devotional Journal 31 By BylineChristina M Wilson on 2021-01-292021-09-10 Isaiah 11:1-12:6 Link to LXE continued from Journal 30 The Remnant A believing remnant whom God will spare from his devastating judgment has been a theme from the beginning ofContinue readingMessiah and His Kingdom 3: Isaiah Devotional Journal 31
Messiah and His Kingdom 2: Isaiah Devotional Journal 30 By BylineChristina M Wilson on 2021-01-282021-09-10 Isaiah 11:1-12:6 Link to LXE continued from Journal 29 The prophet Isaiah uncovers a portrait of a glorious Messiah in Isaiah 11:1-5 and paints a picture of a glorious, peacefulContinue readingMessiah and His Kingdom 2: Isaiah Devotional Journal 30