Tag: Septuagint Isaiah 30:21

Septuagint Isaiah 30:20-21: Devotional Journal 66

A very favorite quotation from Isaiah tells a different story in the Septuagint. See Isaiah 30:20-21 from a quite different angle. The plot of Septuagint Isaiah 30:19-26 relates the spiritual journey of new believers. Following lies from birth, a person reaches the …bottom of their pit. Crying out to the Lord for help, he responds. He opens their blind eyes and deaf ears. New believers see their deceivers as such and discern the voice of truth and error. They understand the deceptions of their former way of life …As they continue to follow the Lord’s straight path (his teaching), they progress in the Lord’s way. And he blesses them with spiritual growth and prosperity. … Continue readingSeptuagint Isaiah 30:20-21: Devotional Journal 66