A few years back, this was one of my favorite songs. Hearing it again brings back memories of that season in my life. Although those years were difficult, they wereContinue readingBefore the Throne of God Above
Week 7 Part 4 John 6:22-71: Focus–Concrete (Concrete Literal) vs Spiritual (Spiritual Reality) (Link to Outline of John) John’s Theme: John 20:31 … these are written so that you may believe thatContinue readingSpiritual Versus Concrete Continues in John 6
Week 4 The New Birth–Necessary and Desirable: John 3:1-21 and John 4:1-42 First, let’s read the text, especially John 3:1-15 (New Birth Necessary) and John 4:1-30 (New Birth Desirable). What isContinue readingNew Birth–Its Necessity and Its Joy