Isaiah’s Apocalypse Continues: Journal 54

Isaiah 26    Septuagint Modernized

Isaiah’s Apocalypse Continues

Review and Overview

1. Wrathful Judgment

After he finished the details of the nations, Isaiah began relating his apocalyptic, or end times, vision. Isaiah’s apocalypse continues from Isaiah 24:1 through 27:13. Chapter 24 focuses on the final judgment of the human system, as we know it. He sets his theme in verse 1 (Isaiah 24:1) and continues through verse 20. This portion appears further developed by the Apostle John in Revelation.

2. Glorious Salvation

Set against the destruction of those who oppose God, the prophet describes a glorious salvation.

1. He contrasts the wrathful judgment that strips away the harvest of wickedness (Isaiah 24:12-13) with the reappearance of a spared remnant (“they that are left on the land,” Septuagint). Isaiah 24:15-16 is a “mini” Book of Acts (1), as it describes a gospel message taking hold in the “islands of the sea,” (Septuagint). Isaiah 24:21-22 sound remarkably similar to Revelation 20:1-3.

2. The Septuagint presents a beautifully worded verse, “And the brick shall decay, and the wall shall fall; for the Lord shall reign from out of Sion, and out of Jerusalem, and shall be glorified before his elders” (Isaiah 24:23 LXE). This single verse fairly well sums up Ephesians 2:11-16, especially verse 14. Ephesians 2:14 states, “For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility (ESV).

3. Who is the Lord (Yahweh) in Isaiah 24:23? The verse says, “The Lord… shall be glorified before his elders.” Is it possible for God Almighty (the Father) to have “elders?” Wouldn’t this verse be more fitting for the Lord Messiah, Christ? Indeed, Christ actually was glorified before his “elders,” Moses and Elijah, in the Transfiguration of Matthew 17:1-6 and Luke 9:28-35.

4. Joy in salvation continues from Isaiah 24:23-25:10a. Following this, he prophesies in three verses against the prideful wicked, represented by Moab (Isaiah 24:10b-12.)

3. Back and Forth Spiritual War

In summary, Isaiah presents a long section on wrathful judgment in chapter 24, interrupted by a shorter section concerning salvation of the willing. Then, in chapter 25, he presents a long section rejoicing in worldwide salvation. He interrupts this by a short section to tell the end of the world’s wicked. Next, in the section from Isaiah 26:1-27:1, Isaiah combines the two themes of judgment for the faithful (salvation) and judgment against the wicked (condemnation) in more rapid succession, interweaving these throughout.

4. The Apocalypse Continues

Finally, the remainder of Isaiah’s apocalypse continues through the end of chapter 27.  This chapter describes Israel’s future. However, Isaiah doesn’t name “Israel” per se. Rather, he uses metaphors and the word Jacob.

A Peek Ahead

This blog will continue with further details of Isaiah 26, Lord willing. Please stay tuned.


1 Academic Community of St. Athanasius Academy of Orthodox Theology, Elk Grove, California. The Orthodox Study Bible. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2008.

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