Just One Small Voice

The sower sows the word--Mark 4:14

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Septuagint Isaiah 66:1-6–Devotional 2.95

Notice that the “voice of a cry” and “a voice from the temple” is a “voice of the Lord.” The voice comes from the city and from the temple. This Greek word “from” means “out of” (ἐκ). The Lord is in his temple wreaking recompense upon his enemies. Therefore, the enemies must be in the temple. Who is in the temple in this passage of Isaiah? They are those who offer him ceremonial sacrifices there. … Continue readingSeptuagint Isaiah 66:1-6–Devotional 2.95

New Heaven/New Earth: Devotional 2.94

Isaiah indicates that the changes will be permanent, just as God’s rejection of those who reject him is permanent. Isaiah presents no possibility of a national repentance that involves political boundaries. Isaiah left those chapters behind. After centuries and centuries of rebuffed opportunities to embrace God’s mercy and warnings, the last times have arrived. The spiritual replaces the concrete. Believers will be garnered from the whole world, even though God preserves the root and the seed that will grow and become his new olive tree (Romans 11:16-17). … Continue readingNew Heaven/New Earth: Devotional 2.94

God’s Negative Rewards: Devotional 2.91

In Isaiah 65:11-12, God spells out unfaithful Israel’s rebellious behaviors and their negative rewards… After verse 12, the text alternates rapidly between consequences to the faithful and consequences to the unfaithful. Throughout the verses concerning the unfaithful, God displays his abiding anger against those in Israel whose behavior displays a lack of allegiance to him. … Continue readingGod’s Negative Rewards: Devotional 2.91

Isaiah Prays: Devotional 2.89

As the prophet reviews the current situation as it is, he places God at the center. Sion, with its sanctuary, once reflected the glory of God. Men praised God because of it. It is God’s glory in Sion that lies burnt and ruined. Isaiah repeats the sentiment he expressed in verse 15: God has withheld himself. That is the core of the current problem, as well as the key to its solution. … Continue readingIsaiah Prays: Devotional 2.89

God “Opens Up”: Devotional 2.88

But yet, in spite of all his wrath, God does respond positively to Isaiah’s intercession in Isaiah 65:8-9. He will save a faithful remnant (grapes with juice in them). He describes their blessings (Isaiah 65:8-10). Then, from 65:11-16, the Lord describes the punishment he will give to the unfaithful of his own people. He contrasts these punishments with the reward he will give his faithful remnant. The following five sentences summarize the closing four chapters of Septuagint Isaiah: It used to be like this with Israel. It will soon be this other way. Nevertheless, I will redeem and bless my faithful remnant. I will extend my blessings and redemption to Gentiles (Isaiah 65:1). The world is about to change. … Continue readingGod “Opens Up”: Devotional 2.88